Protein Supplements

Getting enough protein is essential for good health and optimal response from regenerative therapy injection techniques. It can be hard to get adequate protein from food in a normal diet and the addition of protein powder to your diet is a convenient way to raise your intake. A high protein intake is especially important as a supplement to enhance your response to regenerative injection treatments.

Protein powder supplements or Protein bars provide a concentrated amount of amino acids which are the building blocks of muscle and tendons. They also aid recovery from physical activity and aid muscle growth and repair.

These essential amino acids help to protect your muscles from breaking down and provide the building blocks for regeneration and repair promoted by regenerative therapy injection techniques.

Types of Protein

There are many different types of protein and the most popular are the dairy based Whey and Casein. Click each heading below to learn more about each type of protein.

Dairy-based Protein

Whey is a protein made from milk and is by far the most popular option and is the fastest digesting protein available. Whey protein is high in the branched chain amino acids needed for muscle and tendon building: Leucine, isoleucine, and vein Olene.

These are the 3 main types of the whey protein powder available.

  1. Whey protein concentrate: This is the least processed form of the whey protein. Whey protein concentrate contains less protein than other forms of whey protein -around 75%- but it has more of the other helpful compounds and melt, along with more lactose and fat.
  2. Whey protein isolate: This form of whey protein house almost all fat and lactose removed. It contains 90-95 percent protein.
  3. Whey protein hydrolysate: Whey protein hydrolysate is a form of whey protein powder that has been hydrolyzed, or partially broken down to ease digestion. It can be made from either whey protein concentrate or whey protein isolate.

Casein, like whey protein, is a protein found in milk. Casein protein takes longer to digest than whey protein powder, making it better for staying full for a long time but not as good when you want protein to be absorbed quickly into your body.

Plant-based Protein

Plant-based protein can be used by people who are sensitive to dairy or prefer not to eat animal products and there are plenty of protein powder options.

Soy, rice, pea, and hemp protein are all common. Pea and rice protein in particular are easy to digest and high in the medial acids needed for muscle growth and repair, and are often combined and Vegen protein blends.

Animal-based Protein

Egg protein is very easy for the body to utilize, and is great for people who cannot eat dairy but can eat eggs.

Beef, chicken, and bone broth are good protein options for people who want to avoid dairy but benefit from the amino acids and other nutrients found in animal protein.

It is important to find a protein that tastes good and is tolerated without gastric distress. Your goal should be 15-25 gram of protein, per serving once or twice a day when receiving regenerative medicine treatment.


To make an appointment, call the office directly at (303) 945-4790 or request one through our online Patient Portal.

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Main Office

12596 West Bayaud Ave
Suite 205
Lakewood, CO 80228

Phone: (303) 945-4790
Fax: (877) 861-0393 or
(720) 645-1959

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
8:00am - 5:00pm